Buying a home can be a confusing and a complicated journey. It doesn’t have to be if you have a Shorewest, REALTOR® by your side! Make sure you are ready by following these steps to make the process as seamless as possible!
Get a REALTOR®. Check out Shorewest.com to find your perfect fit! Not only is having a Realtor around a huge help; it’s also a sigh of relief. They have been trained for the barrage of forms, financing, inspections, marketing, pricing and negotiating that require experience and knowledge of the real estate world.
Get a mortgage pre-approval. Head on over to Wisconsin Mortgage Corporation to meet with one of our friendly loan officers for a consultation. This will make your home search easier by finding out how much you can afford before you begin your house search.
Look at homes. Here is your ultimate searching tool: Shorewest.com! Our site is accurate and up to date compared with other home searching sites. Your Shorewest, REALTOR® will help guide you in choices related to your market and budget. If you are looking for some dream homes here is our Luxury Homes Pinterest Board!
Choose a home. This is it! This is the one. A house that fits your needs and priorities is a home you will want to stay in for years to come.
Make an offer. This is the time to let your Realtor guide you in terms of how much you will offer. A proposal includes both the price and the terms. Depending on the sellers, the terms could include thousands of dollars in additional value, or additional costs for you the buyer.
Obtain your mortgage. After you have chosen your dream home, it is important to finalize your loan application. Make sure to submit the required documentation and speak with your loan officer regarding mortgage options, payment terms, and costs.
Get insurance. Like most valuable things in life, you will want to insure your home. This will protect you against a catastrophe and is definitely worth investing in. Why not choose the best with Shorewest Insurance Associates? As part of the Shorewest family of companies, our independent agents work to find the carriers that match your particular needs, comparing rates to provide a custom, competitive package rather than a one-size-fits-all plan.
Closing. Also known as “settlement” or “escrow”, this is the part where the bank, real estate agent and buyers come together to finish the final paperwork of the transaction.
While buying a home may at times seem overwhelming, taking these steps will help alleviate any worries. Make sure to include your Shorewest, REALTOR® in the process so that they can answer questions and help make the transaction as smooth as possible. The perfect home is out there for you, time to go find it! #ShorewestRealtors #ShorewestFamily #BuyingaHome
Tags: buying a home, first time home buyer, insurance, Mortgage, shorewest, shorewest family, shorewest insurance associates, Shorewest Realtors, Wisconsin Mortgage Corporation
Categories: First Time Home Buyers, Home Buying, How to, Tuesday Tips
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