Much like the current state of politics, it is sometimes difficult to get to the facts through all the noise and misinformation. I am finding this is true as we continue to see misinformation regarding homebuyers and the issue of down payments for financing home purchases.
A recent survey by the National Association of REALTORS® found that over 60% of survey respondents in the Midwest felt that it would be very or somewhat difficult to obtain financing for a home purchase. Unfortunately, this creates the false impression that home ownership is unattainable.
Here is the good news,
There are a variety of mortgage programs available today with 0%, 3%, 3.5% and 5% down payment options. These options can be found in both conventional and government loan product selections. Some programs even allow the down payment to be fully gifted by a family member. Some of these programs, however, may have purchase price and/or income limits. Lenders like Wisconsin Mortgage Corporation have a wide variety of options available for all home buyers. I always like to tell the story of a recent transaction we closed for a first time buyer…in this case the buyers were qualified to purchase a home but they didn’t have the money for a down payment. Our Loan Officer structured a 30-year-fixed-rate mortgage with combination gifts from Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa for a 5% down payment. Instead of renting, these qualified buyers are now investing in their first home.
Another important program is the Federal VA financing option for qualified Veterans. This program is a 0% down payment option and is an important benefit for our Veterans who are in the home purchase market.
Whether considering a conventional loan or a government loan, I always urge potential buyers to take the time to get preapproved for financing before they begin the search for a home. Our Loan Officers take pride in giving solid advice and designing a home purchase plan that makes sense for the buyer…no noise or misinformation…just the facts.
One last thing, now that summer vacations are a memory, get a jump on the fall market and begin your home search today.
–John Inzeo, Vice President, Wisconsin Mortgage Corporation
Tags: buying a home, down payment, Federal VA, Home Purchasing, John Inzeo, Mortgage, shorewest, shorewest family, Shorewest Realtors, Veterans, Wisconsin Mortgage Corporation, Wisconsin Mortgage Corporation Loan Officer
Categories: First Time Home Buyers, Home Buying, Homeowner, How to, Mortgage, Quarterly Newsletter, Real Estate News, Real Estate Tips
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